GRIDLIFE friends and family. 

We would like to share an update surrounding the COVID-19 crisis and the 2020 #GRIDLIFE Season. This virus is affecting each and every one of us dramatically, and know we are thinking about our GRIDLIFE family every day.

GRIDLIFE events have always been about the passion of Motorsports, car culture and most importantly the friendships that surround the shared experience we all have on the GRID each year. As this uncertainty continues, the ability for us to build and ensure that experience becomes more and more difficult. 

We want to get back to the GRID with our friends as soon as it is safe to do so, but at this moment it is hard to predict when that might be. So, we are looking at the entirety of the season and putting a plan in place that will give us the flexibility to make decisions on each event as the state of the crisis evolves, and hopefully soon, resolves. 


The #GRIDLIFE team has looked at every factor for our cornerstone event, and with all the challenges that lie in front of us, We have decided the best way to move forward is to reschedule the #GRIDLIFE Midwest Festival to October 2 - 4, 2020. This Fall date gives us enough runway to safely build the GRIDLIFE experience we love, while most importantly giving us all as much time as possible to continue to social distance until we can safely return to the GRID. We are excited for this new fall GRIDLIFE experience and look forward to seeing everyone back home on the GRID in October.

Existing tickets to the GRIDLIFE Midwest Festival will automatically transfer over to the new GRIDLIFE Fall Festival (Oct 2-4, 2020) For those unable to join us in the fall you can also transfer your ticket over to the 2021 GRIDLIFE Midwest Festival Tentatively scheduled for June 10-13 2021. 

Refunds can be arranged for those unable to attend either date. Emails will be sent in the coming week with more details to all ticket holders

TrackBattle Rounds

The move of the GRIDLIFE Midwest Festival to October 2-4, 2020 will swap with our GRIDLIFE Fall Special event. As of now, we are anticipating the ability to be able to return to motorsports by June 1st, and are planning to produce our first TrackBattle round of the year June 5-7 at Gingerman Raceway. For the remaining #GRIDLIFE TrackBattle events, including the recently rescheduled June Gingerman date, we will make any postponement decisions 15 days prior to the start of each round. 

We have essentially secured a replicated 2021 schedule for most of our events this year, and any forthcoming TrackBattle rounds affected by the Covid-19 crisis will be automatically postponed until the 2021 Season.

Alpine Horizon Festival

With so many changes happening in the Motorsports world the 2nd half of the season is becoming very compressed and due to scheduling conflicts we are moving our Alpine Horizon Festival dates up one week to Aug 14-16th. This small move ensures that our drivers committed to other events series are able to attend the Alpine Horizon event as well. 

Existing tickets to the GRIDLIFE Alpine Horizon Festival Aug 21-23rd will automatically transfer over to the new dates no further action is required.

Once again, we appreciate all of your support during this difficult time. The GRIDLIFE experience is built on our strong community, and we want everyone to be and feel safe when they arrive on the GRID. 

As you weigh your options for the coming year please consider that this community is the foundation of these events. We are an incredibly small operation and your investment in GRIDLIFE is what enables this community to exist. We ask that if you are able, please choose to keep your support and investment with GRIDLIFE as we navigate the challenges ahead.

We know this moment is difficult and we share your emotions over these changes and disruptions. The health and safety of our community is our first priority. Please take care of yourselves, your friends and your family and we will see you on GRID as soon as possible.

Chris, Adam & The GRIDLIFE Team

Emails with more detail on transfers refunds and other information will be arriving in your inbox soon. In the meantime please direct any questions See Tickets US Customer Support here.